Adoption Tax Credit FAQs

Unfortunately, tax season is upon us. There are few federal tax benefits for for adoption, including a tax credit for qualified adoption expenses and an exclusion from income for employer-provided adoption assistance. In this post, I answer some frequently asked questions about the tax credit.

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How the Coronavirus Pandemic Might Affect Your Adoption

The world feels scary right now as our lives are all being disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. However, adoptions are still happening. Babies are still being born; birth parents are still making the decision to place children for adoption. Only time will tell how this pandemic will fully impact adoptions. Based on the information I am seeing today, this post discusses some predictions of how this unprecedented pandemic might affect your adoption.

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Creating More Adoption-Friendly Workplaces

Adoption can be a difficult and lengthy process. The last thing an adoptive parent should have to deal with is an unsupportive employer during that process. Fortunately, a growing number of employers are providing adoption-related benefits, including reimbursement for adoption expenses and paid leave benefits comparable to those provided to biological parents.

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