Adoption Temporary Identification Numbers

If you adopted in 2018 and are in the process of finalizing the adoption, but do not expect to have your child’s new social security number before tax filing time, then you can request an Adoption Temporary Identification Number (“ATIN”) from the IRS in order to claim the child as a dependent and (if eligible) to claim the child care credit. For more information on ATIN, and a link to the form required by the IRS, read below.

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Adoption Books We Love

There are so many wonderful children’s books with adoption-related themes; I could not possibly cover all of them in one post. Periodically, I’ll share the adoption books we love. Our daughter is 14 months-old, so we are drawn to shorter books with simple text and colorful pictures. Below are our current favorites.

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Types of Adoption

If you are considering adoption, usually the first step is to decide which type of adoption to pursue based on what is right for you and your family. Often certain factors, such as cost and desired age of the child, can dictate the type of adoption that fits best so it’s important to consider those factors when making your decision. Below is a basic overview of the three main ways that children are adopted in California.

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